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A replacement that's ready

An essential piece of your workflow, to bring any gig from parts to product, without costing the environment. A reusable product allowing you to do your work without the reliance on a consumable product that ends up in the bin.

With simple installation, cables can be secured efficiently and effectively in seconds, and can be relocated and reused just as easily.

When you already know the alternative, the future has never looked so good...


Mass (g) Cost / kg (AUD$) Estimated Unit Cost (AUD$) Minimum Safety Factor (ul)
ABS 40.6 3.20 0.13 1.8078
PET 59.0 1.33 0.08 4.9936
PBT 50.14 6.30 0.32 5.0916
Nylon 6/6 43.2 3.50 0.15 7.3901

    Testing Regiments

Test Static Top Load
Aim Ensure product can withstand regular top load across expected lifetime
Description Hydraulic press applies a uniform load across the product repeatedly
Load (kg) 150
Repetitions 1,000,000
Justification Product will be positioned in a location where foot traffic is likely. The product must not break due to this repeated load across its lifetime.
Success criteria Product not significantly deformed after load repetitions conclude, and product is still usable
Test Dynamic Top Load
Aim Ensure product can withstand regular top load across expected lifetime
Description Using a hydraulic cylinder, a rolling load is applied on the product, to simulate a person's step as their weight distributes across the product.
Load (kg) 150
Repetitions 1,000,000
Justification Product will be positioned in a location where foot traffic is likely. The product must not break due to this repeated load across its lifetime.
Success criteria Product not significantly deformed after load repetitions conclude, and product is still usable
Test Maximum load
Aim Ensure product can withstand a necessary load
Description Weights are evenly applied to the top of the product until the total weight exceeds the necessary load. Deformation of product is ensured to be within a maximum tolerance and ensure product returns to initial state after testing.
Load (kg) 150
Justification Product will be positioned in a location where foot traffic is likely. The product must not break due to force imposed when stepped on.
Success criteria Product not significantly deformed after load applied, and product is still usable
Test Minimum edge fillet
Aim Ensure product's contact edges are not sharp to the touch or able to catch when slid on skin
Description Product must have a minimum edge fillet around all significant edges such that it does not pose a safety hazard during use
Minimum fillet radius (mm) 0.5
Justification Product is typically handled using hands, and must not pose a safety hazard
Success criteria All significant edges are appropriately rounded and are not able to catch or slice upon use
Test Lining friction
Aim Ensure the foam can provide adequate friction force for holding cables in place in case of a sharp tug
Description The product is mounted sideways. A maximum and minimum width cable is installed, such that they hang with gravity. The cables are loaded with weights to ensure the friction force generated by the product is passable.
Minimum friction force (N) 50
Justification Product must be able to resist tugs to keep cables in place
Success criteria The necessary friction force is applied to the cables without significant shifts in cable position